Outline Planning Permission Approved for Sustainable Residential Development in Cheadle, Staffordshire

Cheadle Planning Approval, Muller Property Group

Muller Property Group is delighted to announce that outline planning permission has been granted for a new residential development in Cheadle, Staffordshire. Following a hearing in November 2024, our appeal for up to 48 dwellings, including 33% affordable housing, has been successfully approved.

The approved scheme includes a thoughtfully designed mix of housing, with 67% open market homes and 33% affordable homes, comprising 60% affordable rent and 40% shared ownership. This balance not only meets the requirements of Local Plan Policy H3 but also addresses a critical housing shortage in the area, providing much-needed accessibility for local residents.


“This development is a significant step in addressing the local housing demand, delivering a balanced mix of open market and affordable homes while prioritising sustainability. It’s a testament to our thoughtful planning and collaboration, promising positive economic, social, and environmental impacts for the Cheadle community,”

Steve Bourne, Technical Director, Muller Property Group


The site, located just 1 km east of Cheadle town centre, is ideally positioned to contribute to the town’s role as a key service centre for the District. By adding to the local population, the development will help enhance the town’s long-term vitality and sustainability, fostering opportunities for investment in shops and services.

Environmental enhancements are also central to the project. Plans include the preservation and improvement of existing vegetation, the introduction of green buffers along site boundaries, and the provision of open spaces and recreational facilities, delivering environmental benefits and enriching the site’s biodiversity.

Economic benefits will arise from job creation during the construction phase and increased local expenditure, with positive impacts felt across the District.


The appeal success was achieved through the dedicated efforts of a highly skilled project team, including:

  • David Manley KC (Kings Chambers)
  • Michael Robson (Cerda Planning Limited)
  • Kathryn Sather (Kathryn Sather Associates)
  • Michael Anthony (Mode Transport Planning)
  • Carl Taylor (TPM Landscape)


Muller Property Group would like to extend sincere thanks to the entire appeal and project team for their invaluable contributions in achieving this decision.

The team is now looking forward to bringing this exciting residential development opportunity to the market. For more information, visit the project page here.

Would you like to learn more about Muller Property Group’s projects? Feel free to ask our team for more information!

Julie Doherty
Muller Property Group
01270 824265