Whissendine, Rutland

Proposed residential development for up to 66 dwellings on the 8.6-acre site with 30% affordable housing in Whissendine, Rutland.

Whissendine, Rutland

Proposed residential development for up to 66 dwellings on the 8.6-acre site with 30% affordable housing in Whissendine, Rutland.

Development Details

An outline planning application for up to 66 dwellings on the 8.6-acre (3.5 hectare) site submitted to the Rutland County Council in October 2021, is approved.

In February 2020 we submitted an outline planning application for up to 66 houses, including the provision of 30% affordable housing, open space, landscaping, and sustainable drainage.

Additional ecological and archaeological surveys and reports were carried out, as requested by the Council as part of pre-determination requirements.

Unfortunately the application got refused in July 2021 and an appeal was subsequently submitted which is pending allocation of an Inspector and timetable for the Hearing.

The outline application was resubmitted in October 2021 and following lengthy discussions with the Planning Officers and consultees the application was recommended for approval at the May 2022. The plans were subsequently approved by members.

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Stafford, Staffordshire

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