The site provides a suitable opportunity for residential development in Malpas, conveniently located within 500 meters (a 10-minute walk) of the high street and just 200 meters (a 5-minute walk) from Bishop Heber High School.
It lies immediately adjacent to the north east of the village and comprises 7 acres (2.8 hectares) of mostly open arable land, with occasional trees and tree belts.
The new development will have access to a range of facilities and infrastructure already in place, as well as facilitating easy access to larger employment locations within and around Whitchurch, Wrexham, and Chester through sustainable transport options.
Residential development & new homes
Around 70 new homes are proposed, featuring a mix of types and tenures to meet a variety of local needs. This includes properties ranging from one to five bedrooms in size, with an affordable housing provision. The development will comprise housing of a high-quality architectural character, complementing the surrounding setting.
Landscape enhancements
The proposals include extensive new planting, new accessible green spaces, and the creation of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to enhance the character of the overall development while also managing surface run off and increasing the site’s biodiversity.
Alongside landscape enhancements, at least a 10% biodiversity net gain will be achieved through on-site measures, ensuring the development supports environmental sustainability in the local area.
Highways, access and parking
The proposed residential development would be accessed via Chester Road, Malpas. New cycle and pedestrian pathways will be delivered to provide new public access to the village.
We are currently preparing an outline planning application that will be submitted to Cheshire East Council later this year. As part of the application, we will be actively seeking to engage local stakeholders, to understand their needs and demands. Further details about the plans will be brought forward in the future.